Evrenzo self attestation

Are you a Healthcare Professional?

This site is intended only for Healthcare Professionals, particularly those who are experienced in the management of anaemia associated with chronic kidney disease.

Information for patients

The website you have tried to access contains clinical information designed specifically for medical professionals experienced in treating this condition. If you have any questions about your health or treatment, please consult your doctor.


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  • The burden on patients

    Anaemia of CKD has a substantial impact on patients’ lives1

    It is associated with poor clinical outcomes and reduced quality of life.1,2

    Patient perspective1

    Symptoms of anaemia overlap with those of CKD1 and may add to the burden of CKD.2

    Untreated anaemia may accelerate progression of CKD.1,3

    Current management of CKD can be sub-optimal2,4

    Some patients with anaemia of CKD are not treated to target3-5

    Concern about the risks of over-correcting haemoglobin may lead to under-treatment of patients.4

    How does it feel to live with anaemia of CKD?

    Effective control of Hb?

    Image of smiling man painting chair


    Image of smiling woman


    Image of man holding plant(close up)

    CKD, chronic kidney disease; GI, gastrointestinal; Hb, haemoglobin.


    • Mathias SD et al. J Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2020;4,64. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41687-020-00215-8.
    • Guedes M et al. Kidney360. 2020;(1):855-62.
    • Dowling TC. Am J Health-System Pharmacy. 2007;64(13 suppl 8):S3–S7.
    • Lopes MB et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2021;11:1784. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-79254-6.
    • Stauffer ME, Fan T. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(1):e84943. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084943.
  • Patient benefits of EVRENZO

    EVRENZO helps CKD patients achieve and maintain Hb targets1

    At home with their treatment.

    Oral treatment that can be taken at home1

    • no special storage instructions1

    • no need to administer in hospital1

    Image of guitar being played (close up)

    Three times weekly dosage1

    Image of woman watering plants (close up)

    Reduced use of IV iron compared with ESA1

    Image of smiling man painting chair

    CKD, chronic kidney disease; DD, dialysis-dependent; ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent; IV, intravenous; NDD, non-dialysis-dependent; TIW, three times weekly.


  • Which of your patients will benefit most?

    Non-dialysis patients

    Image of man holding plant (close up)

    Routine oral iron
    Iron replete
    Hb below target
    Poor adherence to oral iron

    Image of smiling woman

    Routine IV iron
    Iron replete
    Hb below target
    Difficulty attending
    clinic for IV iron

    EVRENZO is an oral tablet that provides Hb correction and maintenance superior to placebo (p<0.0001) and comparable to ESA (p=0.844), with reduced use of IV iron1

    Just started dialysis

    Image of smiling man painting chair

    Routine iron
    Iron replete
    Hb below target

    EVRENZO is an oral tablet that provides comparable Hb correction (95% CI; 0.28 [0.110, 0.451]) and maintenance (95% CI; 0.30 [0.228, 0.373]) to ESA, with reduced use of IV iron1

    How can your patients get more out of EVRENZO?

    The leaflets below provide educational materials and simple advice to support patients during their treatment journey.

    EVRENZO disease education booklet image

    Disease education booklet

    A general information for patients having anaemia of CKD, information about what is anaemia, symptoms, tests etc, and include a diary for the patients to make their notes for the next clinic visit

    How to use EVRENZO image

    How to use EVRENZO?

    Information for patients prescribed EVRENZO, informing about anaemia, what is EVRENZO, administration, side effects etc - and include a diary for the patients to make their notes for the next clinic visit

    DD, dialysis-dependent; ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent; Hb, haemoglobin; IV, intravenous.



EVRENZO™ (roxadustat), 20, 50, 70, 100 och 150 mg filmdragerade tabletter, B03XA05, Rx (särskilt läkemedel), F

▼Detta läkemedel är föremål för utökad övervakning.

Indikationen är behandling av vuxna patienter med symtomatisk anemi associerad med kronisk njursjukdom (CKD). Kontraindikationer är överkänslighet mot den aktiva substansen, jordnötter, soja eller hjälpämne, användning under graviditetens tredje trimester samt amning. Varningar och försiktighet inkluderar risk för allvarliga (inklusive dödliga) kardiovaskulära och trombovaskulära händelser, krampanfall och allvarliga infektioner inklusive sepsis. Ska inte sättas in hos kvinnor som planerar att bli gravida eller under graviditet. Fertila kvinnor måste använda en högeffektiv preventivmetod under behandling och i minst en vecka efter sista dosen. Försiktighet gällande administrering krävs vid måttligt nedsatt leverfunktion och rekommenderas inte vid kraftigt nedsatt leverfunktion. Felanvändning kan leda till en överdrivet förhöjd hematokrit vilket kan leda till livshotande komplikationer i hjärt-kärlsystemet.

Astellas Pharma AB, Box 21046, 200 21 Malmö. Produktresumé 2024-09. 

För ytterligare information och förpackningar se www.fass.se.